Business development • Last year, Hemglass started selling ice cream with sweetened fibres from Bayn. How did it turn out? Is it still part of the assortment? We ask Hemglass business developer Anders Granath.
The last summers in Sweden have been extreme in many ways. The sustained heat took ice cream sales to high levels.
For 2020, there are no financial statements yet, but sales for 2019 exceeded all expectations.
– We’re glad. At the same time, we were taken by surprise. The weather, as well as sales, made it a record summer. We did not think it was possible to beat the sales figures for 2018, says Anders Granath, business developer at Hemglass.
Attentive to customer feedback
But the increase in sales can be attributed to more things than the fine weather, says Anders Granath.
– We’re doing the right things. Among other things, it is about our marketing efforts, and that people consume ice cream at home, but also that we launch products that our consumers demand. We are very pleased with the customer feedback, he says.
Hemglass is a company that listens carefully to its customers. When a product is no longer sufficiently attractive to consumers, it is clearly visible in the sales figures. The product is then removed from the product range.
A new beginning for ice cream without added sugar
Hemglass previously offered ice cream without added sugar. But there was little interest. The product was removed from the range and there was no replacement. However, In the last couple of years, demand has started to build up. Therefore, in 2019, Hemglass decided to offer products with a new solution for sugar reduction.
The new solution is sweetened fibres from Bayn Solutions. The result was a family-friendly special mix with classic flavours that appeals to many consumers. The selection consists of strawberry cone, a vanilla ice cream with pear ice cover, and chocolate and vanilla ice cream in a cup and on a stick.
Part of the regular product range
What is the verdict on the sugar-reduced ice cream? We asked Anders Granath the question in late summer 2019. He then replied:
– It has been well received. Sales are at the level we expected, that is, it follows our plan and budget forecast, says Anders Granath.
We also asked what the future holds in store for the sugar-reduced range.
– Our Special Mix is a product that is especially appreciated by people who want to eat good ice cream but without added sugar. If sales continue to follow our plan, it will become a standard product in Hemglass’s range, says Anders Granath.
And that’s exactly what the ice cream with Bayn’s sweetened fibres has become: A standard product included in the regular 2020 range. We think that’s great!
– The trial sales received positive reactions from consumers. We know that sugar is a flavour enhancer, and if you remove the sugar from a product, it is more difficult to emphasize the taste of other ingredients. We have not received any comments on the taste – and that is a good verdict, says Anders Granath.
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